Eski's Escapades

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Cobadal Streamway 2004 (Image: Peter Eagan)

A compilation of Eski’s writings

Eski wrote a large number of articles on potholing, caving, and adventuring over the years, mostly for the Northern Pennine Club newsletter. A few are online and I will gradually add more to this page.


Chert Cave

NPC Yellow Journal 3 (1), 1967

An early jaunt down a “gert oil, just dahn’t gill”, from which “a howlin gale blew”.

A Day on the Hill with Two Gentlemen

NPC Journal 4 (1), January 1987

In which Eski is invited on a short walk up some icy crags.

The Indian Half Hour

NPC Newsletters 46 & 47 (February 1999 / May 1999)

A Pennine jaunt to the Himachal Pradesh

Old Dogs, New Tricks

NPC Newsletter 53, March 2001

Where Eski is invited on holiday in Spain only to realise he has to go down some really grandioso caves.

Great Douk – Quantam Digging

NPC Newsletter 60, February 2004

Where the Thursday night team acquires some ‘companions’.

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